Content warnings:
Elephant hunting, brief mention of murder-suicide, old-timey racism, lung disease, feces, violent strike-breaking, dire poverty/food insecurity, mass death of children which is the topic of the episode but is not discussed until 58:15 and is addressed without graphic detail, trampling/stampeding/crushing deaths
1913 Massacre
1913 Massacre
Amelia Earhart Mystery: Was the Lost Pilot Eaten by Giant Coconut Crabs?
Anna Clemenc
Anna Klobuchar Clemenc
Calumet, MI
Charles Moyer
Copper Mining Strike of 1913
Deputy sheriff badge
Detroit Free Press from Detroit, Michigan · Page 3
Italian Hall
Italian Hall Disaster
Italian Hall Disaster: Stuff You Missed in History Class
James MacNaughton
Laurium Manor Inn
Subject Focus: The 1913-1914 Copper Country Strike and the Italian Hall Disaster
The Calumet Tragedy
Thomas H. Hoatson House
U.S. history of alcohol minimum purchase age by state