Feb. 10, 2021

Shut the F*ck Up, Lucy: The Great Mississippi Flood of 1927

Shut the F*ck Up, Lucy: The Great Mississippi Flood of 1927

Audio disclaimer: For my birthday this year, Melanie wanted to make sure I shone for this episode and recorded with the wrong microphone. The Audio Guy did what he could, but her parts don't sound quite as good as usual. We're sorry, it won't happen again! (Until my next birthday.)


Content warnings:
Extreme and graphic descriptions of racism throughout, often violent.
A few joking references to adult toys, primary sources that use racist language, flooding, weather-related animal neglect, mention of rape culture and related euphemistic language, guns, infectious disease, graphic description of corpse disposal, lynching at 56:50, burning death at 57:19, murder by police at 57:25, egregiously racist and victim-blaming quote at 58:00-59:12 that is very hard to hear, 1:03:33 death of a teenager from parent's perspective, home/property loss

1927 History, Fun Facts And Trivia
1927 History, Trivia, and Fun Facts
Arkansas City (Desha County)
Black Oppression and the Great Mississippi Flood of 1927
Boiling Over
Flood of 1927
Great Flood of 1927
Great Mississippi Flood of 1927
How 2,000 Blacks were used as barriers at gunpoint during The Great Mississippi Flood of 1927
Man vs. Nature: The Great Mississippi Flood of 1927
Racist disaster ‘relief’ did not begin with Katrina
The Flood of 1927 and Its Impact in Greenville, Mississippi
The Mississippi Flood of 1927
The Mississippi Flood of 1927
The Mississippi River flood of 1927